Check-In begins Friday, November 8, 2024 at 4:00 pm with a dinner and evening session at 6:30 pm. The gathtering will conclude at noon on Monday, November 11, 2024. A more detailed program, including session assignments, will be emailed to participants by September 1 to allow ample time for preparation.

Spouse Information



Children of all ages are welcome to attend. If you would like them to participate in the meals for The Vine, a reduced registration fee of $540 per child will cover all their meals for the weekend. The hotel also offers activities for children.

Background & Interests

One of the unique aspects of The Vine is the opportunity afforded to participants to lead and participate in issue sessions around a variety of topics, as noted in the invitation. Your input into developing these sessions is welcomed and encouraged.


Thanks to the generosity of sponsors, we are able to only charge for meals and lodging. All other venue costs are covered and this event is being hosted by volunteers. We have sought to make it as affordable as possible, but should finances still be an issue in attending, please send us an email to

The Registration Fee of $590 per person / $1140 per married couple / $295 for children ages 4-12 includes eight meals, coffee breaks, afternoon snacks, and all conference fees. There is no charge for children under the age of four. Childcare is not provided.

Please make your lodging reservations directly through this link THIS LINK for a group rate of $159/night. Or you may call the hotel directly at 1-800-709-1323. Use this event code: 11V6O7.

A Deposit of $250 per adult is due with registration by May 15 in order to confirm your place at the gathering. After May 15, you can only be confirmed on a space-available basis. Final Payment is due August 1

Refund Policy
Prior to July 1, 2024: 100%
July 2 – 31, 2024: 75%
August 1-15, 2024: 50%
After August 15, 2024: 0%
Please check which Shuttle Service may apply to you: